L'actualité des sociétés qui disruptent l'industrie financière

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Blockchain, les 7 projets que les mastodontes mondiaux sont en train de construire

Nous entendons beaucoup de choses expliquant ce qui peut être fait avec la technologie blockchain, le livre comptable décentralisé qui enregistre constamment et instantanément des informations provenant du monde entier. C'est la première fois de l'histoire que l'on crée un tel livre. On ne parle pas ici de chatter avec quelqu'un d'autre, mais bien de se mettre d'accord et d'attester de faits et propriétés avec n'importe qui en quelques minutes. (la suite en anglais)

Les 7 projets sur lesquels bossent les grandes entreprises

However we don't hear much about the actual projects the big corporations are working on. Let's see the 7 most important:

1. IBM and Samsung - IoT
Would you like to see your fridge, your phone and your car transact with other things? IBM and Samsung are working on a project unveiled at CES 2015 called ADEPT which will serve as a ledger of existence for billions of devices that will autonomously broadcast transactions between each other’s.

2. NASDAQ, NYSE – Stock Exchange
Or how to bypass Automated Clearing House which take days to record wall street transactions. "As Blockchain technology continues to redefine not only how the exchange sector operates, but the global financial economy as a whole, Nasdaq aims to be at the center of this watershed development." said Bob Greifeld, CEO, Nasdaq

3. Deloitte - Audit & Consulting
Real time auditing, land registry and reconsolidation between trading partners, this is just the top of the iceberg Deloitte is building with its new platform called Rubix.

Deloitte is also working internally on a stealth solution to automate some of its auditing processing

4. BNP, Barclays, City, UBS, Société Générale, Goldman Sachs, Santander - Banks
Do you know that your banks depends heavily on some protocol to transfer money ? Using the Blockchain will allow them to get rid of VISA, Mastercard and SWIFT.

5. Minecraft - Games and Virtual reality
Every game has it's own currency system and some become so important that you can find a stable exchange rate with fiat currencies. This is the case with World of Warcraft gold or Second Life Linden dollars. Blockchain bring to these world a currency that they can use inside the game and trade on Amazon at the same time. Some servers of Minecraft already implemented such systems.

6. Western Union - Money transfer solutions
The famous dinosaur of money transfer is facing a big threat with the new Fintech startup and want to face it with the same weapon. They already set up a lab with Ripple to study the Blockchain technology and improve their cross border payment. Will they adapt ?

7. Honduras, Isles of man - Governments
We would expect the Blockchain to be used for a voting system, but it seems the first aspect interesting for government is registries. Registry of lands in one case, registry of companies in the other one, notaries might not be such an important job in the future.

If you want to know more and discuss details, let me some comments or send me a private message. I would also be pleased to hear some more examples !

Lundi 24 Août 2015

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